Good Morning everyone!
So last night I got thinking about time.. how fast it slow it seems to move depending on what situation you're in. When I am hanging with my friends or my boyfriend time seems to race by.. I look at the clock and wish it would slow down. When I am on the treadmill or in class.. time seems to creep by so slowly I cant stand it.. I find myself thinking "there is no way that its only been 4 and a half minutes." Then I started to realize that in less than a year there are going to be some major changes in my life!
I will be graduating from my Masters Program in August and will be ready to tackle a new world of experiences and things I have never done before. Its so easy to look into future and just wish the time away..but the cool thing about time is that it always passes whether you want it to or not and so I have ten months left here on my own.. so what things do I want to accomplish?
My best friend April and I used to talk about making a bucket list.. a list of all the things we want to do in our lives and I decided that maybe its time for me to make a 10 months list. Think about all the things I want to do while I have the time and the ability. So here is what I have so far
1. Figure out what my dream job is and start researching it
2. Take a vegan cooking class
3. Run in at least 5 more 5ks -(one with my dad)
4. Run my first 10k
5. Be able to run 6 miles without stopping
6. Get back in touch with some old friends
7. Visit my friends that have moved away in NYC, Cleveland, Miami, etc
8. Hold my little baby niece : )
9. Learn to cook different healthy meals that both my boyfriend and I will like.. He will think they taste good and I dont have to feel bad about eating it
10. Make my apartment feel like home
11. Go to more Pittsburgh events (hockey games, pirates games, shows etc) ..enjoy them while I am here
12. Spend more time with my family while they are so close to me
13. Visit at least 1 more state Ive never been too
14. Go to the Women in Entrepenuership Conference at Harvard Business School
15. Find 2 more conferences to put on my resume
16. Take more walks just to relax
17. Tell my true friends how much I appreciate them
18. Master a climbing wall
19. 100% kick the sugar habit
20. Graduate with Honors from my masters degree program
Do you have a list of things you want to do? Try writing down 100 things that you want to do before you are too old to do them. I promise you that its much harder than you think it is!
Try it! Id love to hear what things you want to accomplish in the next year of your life! Send me some of your thoughts!
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