Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Custom Wedding Band and Childhood Obesity is Down as I travel to Texas. Irony anyone?

Sorry I have been MIA from my blog for the past 2 weeks. I was traveling for work and went all the way into the lovely state of Texas! I was in Houston for about 6 days last week and was working quite a bit so I didn't have time to sit behind my computer. It was worth it though because the event we were a part of went extremely well and I got to see some coworkers that I don't see very often. Lovely!

The stress was quite a bit to handle during the week and being in Texas, it became pretty difficult to eat a healthy array of food. Pretty consistently the food choices were meat, red meat or ya know - more meat.  I enjoyed my time, relaxed when I could and was very happy to come home on Friday! I was ecstatic because the last day I did get to go to an authentic Mexican restaurant and try some of their delicious food.

While on my trip, I received two awesome phone calls. The first phone call was from the store in Charlotte that was custom making my wedding band to tell me that it was done! I asked them to do some embellishments to make it look more like a wedding band that fits my engagement ring.

The second call was to tell me that I had won a free massage! I am so excited because I rarely get this treat but I am happy to say that Wednesday after work, I will be going to get a massage. I am scared to hear how bad the knots in my back are -eek!
I also have two awesome updates! Number is a huge congratulations to our friends Nicole and Sean Phaler who welcomed a little bundle of joy right before my trip. I found out how adorable my fiance looks holding a baby. Don't get excited, that's a long ways down the road.

Welcome little SJ!

The 2nd awesome update is that I saw an article saying that the newest report on childhood obesity states that childhood obesity rates are down in 18 states! Hopefully this is a trend that continues until it's no longer an issue in the United States.