Saturday, September 21, 2013

Race Recap: Isabella Santos 5k

Happy Saturday lovely blog readers! My morning started out with a 5k run for charity and I couldn't wait to blog about it because it was so much better than I expected! I had never heard of the Isabella Santos 5k before and so I didn't really know what to expect. As a blogger, they offered me and my fiancĂ© a free race entry and the ability to give a free race entry to another couple to help promote the race. Of course, I jumped on the opportunity but assumed it was probably pretty small if they were asking for my help. I am pretty sure the 10 people who read my blog weren't going to help their numbers too much. : )

When Dwayne and I got there this morning, the number of people in purple shirts was overwhelming. It was one of the most organized races we had ever done and I have to be honest and tell you that it was some of the best swag I have ever received for a race.

We got cinch bags which anyone in the exercising world will tell you, are the most awesome things every invented. Inside there were coupons, chapstick, granola, snacks and the best racing tshirt I have ever gotten. It wasn't your typical $4 cotton tshirt. It was an actual  Running T!

You can see Kat sporting it here. Dwayne and I chose to go with the "I look like I am going to rob you" motif.
For those of you who want to see what the back of the shirt looks like. Here is a kid that finished the race with his dad...just barely.

The race was in an area of Charlotte called Ballentyne so it was on asphalt and it was pretty consistently small inclines and declines. Some of those inclines gave me a run for my money.

The starting line was filled with people ...

One little person caught my eye in particular.
This little girl was hardcore and I will be honest and tell you that she was in front of me the ENTIRE race. This little girl kicked my butt, I will admit it.

In the first mile I kept up with Dwayne and his 7:15 mile pace. Then I started slowing down to more of my average racing pace which is closer to 8:15.



When we finished the race, there were volunteers handing us reusable ice packs which I thought was the coolest thing! It cooled me down immediately and I wondered why every race doesn't do this?

I finished the race at a solid 25:43 and was 5th in my age range and 119 overall. When I saw the finishers board, I realized that there were 1,000 people running with us for this fight against cancer. How awesome!

We waited at the finish line for Kat and John to come through and started screaming when we saw them. They did a great job!

Although John needed a recovery minute
I was so happy that they joined us for this race and I hope that they can for several more!

Congrats to all who ran today for this amazing cause. Great job all!

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